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About Haystack

Haystack is a location-based product search engine geared towards the 90% of retail which is still done in physical stores, letting users search every store’s shelves for items they are looking to buy now, and helping merchants reach customers who are looking for goods they carry.

So, how does it work?

Whether you're looking for a bow tie, baking soda, or AA batteries, enter it into Haystack and we will show you a list of stores in your area that carry it.

After visiting or calling a store, let us know if you found what you were looking for by upvoting or downvoting it on the list. In this way, we create local communities working together to improve the quality of product data around their neighborhood.

We love to hear your feedback!

Haystack is currently in beta and we are relying on your input to help us going forward.

Know of a product that we should be carrying? Dying to tell us about your favorite store? Want to bring Haystack to your city? Have an idea for a new feature? Notice any bugs? Drop us a line below.


Haystack is an early-stage startup leveraging crowd-sourced data to promote local stores and fuel a kinder, smarter shopping revolution.